#Indianapolis – The LEGO Store in Castleton Square Mall is a magical place right here in Indianapolis. It’s far more than just a store, though there’s plenty of shopping to be done for the LEGO fan in your life. Take a quick photo tour of …read more
#Indianapolis – Broadway season in Indianapolis kicked off this weekend with an amazing performance of Mamma Mia! I saw the show at Clowes Memorial Hall on opening night with my husband. It was beautiful, delightful, and quite a challenge not to singalong at full volume. …read more
#Indianapolis – The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a wondrous place for children and adults. The annual haunted house, sponsored by the Children’s Museum guild is always a ton of fun, featuring both friendly (lights on) and frightening hours to entertain kids of all ages. …read more
#Indianapolis – My husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary. Normally, we go for a more low key date night. I’m usually content with a walk for ice cream or late night nacho platter. But, this was a special occasion, and it deserved a special …read more
#WestfieldIN – Westfield is home to two bars. Carey Tavern is also a pub/restaurant open through out the day. Taco Tuesday is my new favorite lunch option because we can get lunch for two for under $10. With free wifi, access to outlets, and low-priced …read more
#WestfieldIN – I have a favorite street corner in Westfield. Our awesome, historic downtown all comes to a head at the corner of Union Street and Main Street. There’s 100 N. Union, home of my favorite building in all of Westfield. There’s a colorful strip …read more
#CarmelIN – Thursday night is Earth Fare Kids Eat Free night, and this is huge news for our larger family! There are many restaurants in the Indianapolis area that offer free kids nights. Typically you get one, sometimes two, free kids meals for every adult …read more
#Indianapolis – On Saturday night, we spent the evening on a farm with fellow bloggers. The highlight for me was the 240 Sweet marshmallows over the campfire. The unique flavors are even more amazing when slightly roasted. And, the handcrafted vanilla marshmallows are perfection on …read more
#WestfieldIN – We can finally watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and I could not be more excited! It’s been a favorite show for many years, and I even named one of my kids after the characters. That’s why one of my favorite things about living …read more
#Indianapolis – Awesome Con is coming to Indy Friday through Sunday! Indianapolis plays frequent host to several geek-friendly conventions, most notably GenCon. They’re a great way to find like-minded people, play your favorite games, pick up a few new supplies for hobbies, collections, and wardrobe, …read more