We have four kids in three schools. That’s a lot of appointments and activities. They have sports and scouts and after-school clubs. And I find myself in my car more than anywhere else. That means I have to get a little creative if I want to keep up on work, …read more
Mobile Blogging Tips – 7 Tips for Blogging on the Go
10 Social Media Habits that Annoy Your Followers
Social media is just like anything else — stick around long enough, and you’ll start to develop bad habits, get stuck in ruts, or notice your own pet peeves. I even have a few of my own. I have a habit of not following people back. I get stuck in …read more
10 Awesome and Creative Camping Recipes
I’ve been a Girl Scout for as long as I can remember. I have fond memories of delicious food cooked over a fire and couldn’t wait to share it with my own girls when they were old enough for Scouting. I’m the first one to volunteer for a camping trip, …read more
Walt Disney World Child Safety Tips – How to NOT Lose Your Kid at the Disney Park
If you know my youngest, you’ve probably marveled at my ability to a) keep track of her and b) stay sane. So, when we decided to take the girls to Walt Disney World right before her 5th birthday, I had some concerns. If we have a hard time keeping up …read more
Top WordPress Plugins for Productivity
I have this funny little habit. Okay, fine. It’s an addiction. Hi, my name is Heather, and I’m addicted to starting new blogs. While a lot of people have a single blog broken into several categories, I prefer blogs of the niche variety. That is, an entire site dedicated to one …read more