Dear Judgy Mom, My iPhone Makes Me a Better Mom. Back Off.

Here are 8 ways having a smart phone makes me a better mom:

Yeah, I’m the Mom on the iPhone, and I refuse to feel guilty about it.

I use my iPhone at home. I use my iPhone when I’m stuck in the carpool lane. I use my iPhone when my kids are occupied and ignoring me. And, okay, sometimes …read more    

7 Habits of Highly Effective Shoppers

Create Savvy Shopping Habits

Sometimes it’s a struggle for me to come up with money saving tips to share. My frugal lifestyle and savvy shopping skills are just so natural for me. They’re habits established through years of practice.

I have a finely tuned system when I go to the grocery store. I don’t even …read more    

8 Costco Must Buys for On-the-Go Moms

Costco Must Buys for Busy Moms

I was near Costco last week with a few minutes to spare, so I made a quick trip in for the essentials. Yes, I can do that. I’ve gotten it down to a science, with a list of must-haves for each warehouse trip.

Most of my purchases revolve around the girls …read more    

Slimmer Waist, Fatter Wallet: 10 Ways to Lose Weight on a Budget

January is nearly over — how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along?

One of the most popular resolutions is always to lose weight. In fact, I started my own fitness challenge just a few weeks ago. If you’ve had a hard time sticking with a new fitness plan, …read more    

18 Ways to Reuse a Prescription Bottle

This time of year it seems as though everyone is sick. So far the flu seems to be missing our house. (Knock on wood!) But we’ve been to the doctor’s office twice in the last week for other things. There is no shortage of pill bottles around here. Daily prescriptions, …read more    

10 Habits to Help You Save Money in 2013

It’s January — new year, new budget, new habits. You’ve been making new year’s resolutions and resetting financial goals for the year. You’re working on new ideas, breaking bad habits, adding new ones. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen off the wagon already! But if you have, there’s still …read more    

5 Unexpected Items in My Laundry Room

After the holidays, our closets have been bursting with fabulous gifts. I’ve spent the last few weeks catching up on laundry, cleaning out the closets, and reorganizing the laundry room.

There’s still a long way to go, but the shelves are looking better, the closets are a little roomier, and I …read more    

His, Hers, Theirs: Dividing Household Chores

As a stay-at-home mom for the last 15 years, I’ve always taken on more of the household responsibilities. I do the grocery shopping, I cook, I do clean. Sort of. The hubby has always been awesome about pitching in where he can, but it mostly fell to me as the …read more    

5 Creative Ways to Save More Money This Year

Whether you’re looking to pay off debts, save for a vacation or deal with a tax or insurance increase, money always seems to get a little tighter in January. I’d like to start saving money for fun stuff — family days, vacation, date nights — but it’s tough to find …read more    

24 Homemade Snowflake Crafts

It’s a winter wonderland out there — but I’d much rather stay cozy and warm indoors. I’ve been looking up paper snowflake projects for the last few weeks, for my Girl Scouts to make for the children of Sandy Hook. The National PTA put out a call for …read more